Students of Polban’s English Department are not only from Bandung but also from areas outside the city. The majority of students hail from various cities in West Java, such as Cimahi, Garut, Sumedang, Indramayu, Cirebon, Karawang, Sukabumi, Majalengka, Purwakarta, Subang, and Tasikmalaya. Some students also come from regions outside West Java, including Jakarta, Bangka Belitung, Lampung, and many more.
What Do Students Say About Polban’s English Department?
“Although it can be quite exhausting with its packed schedule, I still feel happy studying at Polban’s English Department. Studying here has trained me to stay calm and focused when faced with challenges or difficulties.”
“During my time at Polban’s English Department, I’ve learned many new things and experienced significant growth, both academically and in terms of soft skills. This department is a great place for individuals who want to improve themselves further. I hope the department will become even better in the future and gain greater recognition.”
“Although the schedule is tight and the assignments can be overwhelming, studying at Polban’s English Department has been the best learning experience for me!”
Fathan Dhaniprastika
English Department 2023
“During my studies at Polban’s English Department, I’ve gained a lot of valuable experiences, made great friends, and acquired useful knowledge. I’ve also met understanding, competent, and supportive lecturers who have helped me adapt and learn at Polban. I hope this department continues to grow and develop, so it becomes widely recognized by everyone.”
Neng Alifia Nurrahman
English Department 2023
The students have got some achievements not only in competitions in campus but also regional and national as follows:
Muhammad Bilal
The 3rd Winner in Storytelling – Novice CategoryIn the 1st Indonesian Polytechnic English Championship (IPEC) Held on November 4-7, 2024. Organized by Politeknik Negeri Medan and Bakorma.
Muhammad Putra Sukma Prayoga
The Funding Recipients of The 2024 Student Creativity Program – Community Service Scheme.
Aquilla Maha Fortuna
Bronze Medalist in the Speech Competition at the National Polytechnic English Olympics 2023.